Phenyl based Silicones Fluids

Silico PM-50, PM-125, and PPM-500 Silicone Fluids are high-quality, clear, colorless, and odorless Phenylmethylsiloxane fluids with viscosities measured at 25°C. These silicone fluids offer exceptional performance in a variety of applications, providing excellent thermal stability and compatibility with various materials.

PM-50 is a low phenyl content fluid with a viscosity of 50cSt. In comparison to PDMS Silicones, PM-50 has much higher thermal stability and remains stable at 200°C (open system). Unlike PM-125 & PPM-500, its viscosity remains pourable at low temperatures. This is critical for chiller baths and heat transfer systems that need to circulate and pump the fluid at low temperatures….. >> More

PM-125 is a high content Phenylmethyl Silicone Fluid with a viscosity of 125cSt @ 25C. It remains stable at 250°C open system for approximately 1,200 to 1,500 hours (continuous usage) without breakdown. In closed system, it remains stable at 300C. PM-125 is our most recommended high temp laboratory bath fluid / high temperature heat transfer fluid…. >> More

PPM-500 is a 100% Phenylmethyl Silicone Fluid with a viscosity of 500cSt @ 25°C. It is most often used for optics applications that require the highest Refractive index value (RI 1.533). For high temp bath fluid/heat transfer applications, the lower viscosity of PM-125 makes it a better choice…. >>More

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Phenyl based Silicones Fluids: Guide

PM Silicone Fluids replace the methyl groups in conventional PDMS silicone oils with phenyl groups, significantly enhancing thermal stability and oxidation resistance. These fluids offer high dielectric strength, excellent stability under extreme pressures, good heat capacity, and higher refractive index (RI) values. They are also stable under shear, provide excellent lubricity, and are inert to most substrates.

PM-125 and PPM-500 have higher RI values (1.505 and 1.533) compared to standard PDMS oils, making them ideal optical fluids for sensor, imaging, LED, and photonics technologies that require a high refractive index.

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