Epoxy Silane

Epoxy Silane Coupling Agent is a highly effective chemical widely used in chemical processing to enhance material properties. It improves physical and mechanical properties by forming strong chemical bonds between silane compounds and epoxy groups on the material’s surface. This bond significantly increases the material’s resistance to water, abrasion, and chemical corrosion, making it ideal for various industrial applications.
CAS No. Product Name
2530-83-8 3-Glycidoxypropyltrimethoxysilane
2602-34-8 3-(Glycidoxypropyl)triethoxysilane
2897-60-1 3-Glycidoxypropyl methyldiethoxysilane
3388-04-3 2-(3,4-Epoxycyclohexyl) Ethyltrimethoxysilane
CAS 2530-83-8 Silane


CAS 2602-34-8 Silane


CAS 2897-60-1 Silane


CAS 3388-04-3 Silane


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Epoxy Silane: Guide

Epoxy Silane Coupling Agent is a versatile chemical used primarily in the surface treatment of polymer materials, glass fibers, ceramics, and other substrates. It forms a strong bond between these materials and other substances, significantly enhancing their adhesion properties. This coupling agent is widely used in industries like coatings, paints, and adhesives, where it improves adhesion strength, wear resistance, and durability of the final products.

The epoxy silane coupling agent offers numerous advantages, including its ability to reduce the amount of raw material required, making it cost-effective while improving material performance. It also enhances the chemical resistance and weatherability of treated surfaces, making it ideal for applications in automotive, construction, and electronic industries. By improving the interaction between different materials, it enables better overall performance in composite materials and coated products.

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