
Orthosilicate, also known as 4-(1-methylpropyl)silicate, is a valuable organic silicon compound with the chemical formula C8H18O4Si. This compound consists of a central silicon atom bonded to four organic groups. Known for its unique structure and properties, orthosilicate plays an important role in various industrial applications, including electronics and materials science. Its chemical structure and versatile applications make it an essential compound in the field of organic silicon chemistry.
CAS NO. Product Name
681-84-5 Tetramethoxysilane
78-10-4 Tetraethoxysilane
682-01-9 Tetrapropoxysilane
4766-57-8 Tetrabutylorthosilane
998-30-1 Triethoxysilane
1109-96-2 Ethyl Silicate 32
11099-06-2 Ethyl Silicate 40
Tetramethoxysilane cas 681-84-5


Tetraethoxysilane cas 78-10-4


Tetrapropoxysilane CAS 682-01-9


Tetrabutylorthosilane cas 4766-57-8


Triethoxysilane CAS 998-30-1


Ethyl silicate-40 CAS 11099-06-02

Ethyl Silicate 32

Ethyl silicate-40 CAS 11099-06-02

Ethyl Silicate 40

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Orthosilicate: Guide

4-(1-Methylpropyl)orthosilicate is a versatile organic silicon compound with a wide range of applications. It is primarily used as a key synthetic intermediate in the production of silicone materials. Silicone materials, known for their exceptional physical and chemical properties, are essential in various industries, including coatings, adhesives, sealants, and more. As a crucial building block for high-performance silicone materials, 4-(1-methylpropyl)orthosilicate contributes significantly to the development of advanced products used across diverse industrial fields. Its role in the synthesis of these innovative materials makes it an indispensable compound in the global manufacturing sector.
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